The Artist Package

A custom WordPress “hub” will give you access to edit web pages, cross-post to all social media, sell and manage products, add events, write blog posts and reply to comments, view traffic and SEO ranks and many other functions.

I will help you plan, build and customize a web site design that will showcase your talents, provide the latest information for fans, and make a call to action for agents/sales; I will help you build a site map so we have a handy list to populate and tweak your content; I will link your blog to cross-post to social media accounts (see below); and I will personally train you how to make quick edits to your web site and how to do blog posts, add events, send email blasts and twerk for the social medias. Then of course I will gladly do all of these things for you as part of my monthly services if you prefer to focus on Maestro-ing and letting somebody else get the word out about how fabulous you are.

I will help you decide which social media is best suited to your promotional goals. Facebook, Twitter and Linked In are often vital, Tumbler, SnapChat and others may not be so fruitful. Together we will plan your social strategy and get everything set up.

YouTube is the #2 searched place after Google, so it makes sense to build your own channel. iTunes and Spotify or even Amazon may be potential channels.

We will help you get listed in Wikipedia, IMDB, other industry web sites and professional networks. I will also help you post and publicize all of your appearances, events and releases to the media to help keep you name in the news feeds.

I have made my career by helping clients manage their online affairs and keeping them up to date with the latest technology, trends, and marketing opportunities. Almost always on call to help with everything from simple email setup to a server farm exploding (literally… ask me sometime) I delight in helping you understand and excel in the online milieu. And I will teach you how to do it yourself, or take over and do it for you as needed. At your service, yo … 😉


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