Social Media Mavens

What is blogging?
Sharing your thoughts
 is easy for most people, and that’s all there is to blogging! Share your ideas daily or monthly to show your expertise.

What is RSS?
Really Simple Syndication
 is a great way to push your news out over the web and to present news from outside sources on your site.

Do I need an Ap?
Specialized programs (Aps) for iPhone, Droid, Blackberry and others may be a great tool … or a costly effort. But a good web site works well across all platforms to get the job done.

Can I cross-post?
Yes!  You can post to your blog, Facebook and Twitter all at once.

For Mobile Phones and Pads
More people access the web with smart phones than any other way, says one report. So you want to be sure your web site is friendly to all sorts of browser programs and platforms.  Using the latest HTML-5 and cascading style sheets, your content will be customized for the environment in which it is being delivered.

Popular Social Media

FaceBook – Set up a business page and manage your posts
Constant Contact – Manage email lists and send newsletters
YouTube – Set up your own video channel.
Linked In – Participate in  business networking
Twitter – Send your followers the latest buzz in 140 characters!
WordPress – Keep a blog with news, photos and important facts.
Flickr – Share photos and find images on the web.


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